How can we scale credible Scope 3 action?

We are in a climate emergency. 

While companies are increasingly reporting on their scope 3 emissions, driven by ambitious net zero targets and increasing regulation, we urgently need more guidance, best practice and real incentives for businesses to drive change. 

The lack of clarity surrounding international standards and service providers, opaque supply chains and the difficulties of collecting on-the-ground data are just some of the challenges preventing companies from effectively reducing their Scope 3 emissions. 

SustainCERT conducted research in 2023 with 500 global organizations to identify what corporates see as the largest barriers to scope 3 action, the key drivers for action and how they are using projects (‘interventions’) to decarbonize their value chains.  This research was supported by in depth interviews with clients including Nestle, General Mills and Soil Capital. 

Join our webinar to hear more from our Scope 3 experts who will discuss our research findings, share insights and options on how corporates can credibly scale Scope 3 action. 



Thomas Blackburn, Head of Business Development & Partnerships, SustainCERT 
Conor McMahon, Global Net Zero & Nature Lead, Nestlé