SustainCERT Announces the Discontinuation of Certification Services for Gold Standard
SustainCERT announces today that it will discontinue its Certification Services for Gold Standard projects as of December 5th. This strategic decision follows Gold Standard’s recent announcements on the launch of their new assurance model and the release of the Gold Standard Assurance Platform. This decision is aligned with SustainCERT’s ongoing focus on providing Validation and Verification services for both Carbon markets and Value Chain Interventions, and the development of the SustainCERT platform to digitize these services.
This means that:
- From December 5th no new reviews will be accepted, and additionally reviews which have not yet been paid for will not proceed with SustainCERT. These reviews will be handled by Gold Standard.
- All reviews with a fully paid invoice prior to December 5th will be processed as agreed until April 30th 2025.
- We encourage you to review the documentation published by the Gold Standard Foundation regarding their new assurance model
We would like to thank all our valued certification customers for their trust over the years and the Gold Standard Foundation for their collaboration since founding SustainCERT as an independent organization in 2018.